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  • Writer's pictureLADYSHELL

Happy & Healthy Relationship

Updated: Mar 10

Being in a relationship can be hard at times and it does require work from both parties.

My husband and I have been together for 5 years. No break ups, no on and offs, just a straight consistent happy 5 years. Of course we have had some ups and downs but we managed to overcome those hard times.

Do you have a happy and healthy relationship? Read these helpful and easy tips that played a huge part in my relationship and marriage.

3 Happy Relationship Tips!


Whatever you did to cause the other person to fall in love with you, you need to keep doing that. If you started opening doors then continue to open doors. If you were anything like my husband who just wanted help you out with things then continue to be a person to help out with things. Be #consistent throughout the whole relationship. Remind your significant other why they fell in love with you in the first place.

Date Nights

Having date nights can boost the relationship. Taking a break from day to day activities is a rewarding feeling and can really put a smile on your face. Date nights can fun, exciting and or anything you want it to be. Date nights can consist of going to the #movies, out to #dinner, or doing an #activity such as bowling, skating, or indoor sky diving. It can be something that neither one of you have tried before or maybe you tried it before and just want to share the experience with them.


This is something we have been taught a long time ago. Saying thank you, please and your welcome are trigger words for being happy. Just think about washing dishes for a minute. If your partner noticed that and said "thank you for washing the dishes" then that will make you feel good inside. It will put a smile on your face that someone recognized something you did out of love. Try saying thank you more in your relationship. Example: thank you for #cleaning the bathroom and or thank you for #folding my clothes.

3 Healthy Relationship Tips!

Saying Sorry

When in a heated argument you're not in your right frame of mind. You can easily say things you don't mean while causing the other person heartache and pain. Even a headache! Headaches are not healthy nor a pleasing feeling. No matter who's fault it is be that person to say #sorry first. If this is someone you absolutely love then eventually apologizing shouldn't be a hard thing to do.

Be The Stress Reliever

If your partner had a really long day at work it might be a good idea to help relieve some of the stress that they may be feeling. You should be the medicine, the pill that they drink with water. Let your partner know that everything is going to be alright. Show that that you actually #care about how their day went.

Provide Support

After working a long 8 hour day and having to come home and deal chores, help the kids with homework and cook can very stressful and overwhelming. #Help out every once in a while. Don't let dishes pile up or laundry get backed up. Try taking on some of those duties and give the other person a break for once.

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